Houses and House Captains
A school house system helps to build a sense of community through encouraging friendly competition, camaraderie and co-operation. It mixes students, staff and community from all year levels of the school together.
Our current house groups were established in 2014. There has previously been house groups at Silverstream School but had fallen out of useage by 1969. The original house groups were called Wakefield, Selwyn, Grey and Hobson.
Our more recent house groups dating from 2014 to the present day are
Chatsworth - Rōpū Kikorangi/Kahurangi (blue)
Whitemans - Rōpū Kōwhai (yellow)
Gloucester - Rōpū Karaka (orange)
Gard - Rōpū Kākāriki (green)
Each student and staff member belongs to one of four houses. The houses are named after the four main roads that border the school block. Each house has a colour associated with it.
Students represent their house in a number of activities and events throughout the year. These include sports events, lunchtime competitions, as well as participation in our annual House Day. We also have fun together during House Week and during our end of year Christmas celebrations. On house event days we encourage children to wear something in their house colour. Whanau often dress in house colours at our events too. It's great to have support from all the family. Students can earn points for our house when showing our school values during class time. We are also really good at our house chants.
House Captains are selected by a group of teachers at the start of the year in February, usually there are 2 House Captains from each House. Their role is to encourage team spirit, update the house points each week in assembly and support the running of house events across the school.
At the end of the year the house trophy is awarded to the winning house.
Our current house groups were established in 2014. There has previously been house groups at Silverstream School but had fallen out of useage by 1969. The original house groups were called Wakefield, Selwyn, Grey and Hobson.
Our more recent house groups dating from 2014 to the present day are
Chatsworth - Rōpū Kikorangi/Kahurangi (blue)
Whitemans - Rōpū Kōwhai (yellow)
Gloucester - Rōpū Karaka (orange)
Gard - Rōpū Kākāriki (green)
Each student and staff member belongs to one of four houses. The houses are named after the four main roads that border the school block. Each house has a colour associated with it.
Students represent their house in a number of activities and events throughout the year. These include sports events, lunchtime competitions, as well as participation in our annual House Day. We also have fun together during House Week and during our end of year Christmas celebrations. On house event days we encourage children to wear something in their house colour. Whanau often dress in house colours at our events too. It's great to have support from all the family. Students can earn points for our house when showing our school values during class time. We are also really good at our house chants.
House Captains are selected by a group of teachers at the start of the year in February, usually there are 2 House Captains from each House. Their role is to encourage team spirit, update the house points each week in assembly and support the running of house events across the school.
At the end of the year the house trophy is awarded to the winning house.